Thursday, April 1, 2010

sleep is my new best friend!

thomas has been sleeping through the night now for about a week.  i don't want to jinx by shouting from the blogging roof tops, but i feel we are here to stay.  well, at least till teething or our next milestone begins.

we have eliminated all night feedings and he goes down at 7:30 and wakes up anytime between 6:30-7:45.  if someone would have told me the night my son was born, at 8 pounds 2 ounces, that he nor i would sleep through the night till he was 5.5 months old, i would have laughed in their face!

when i chose to breastfeed thomas i knew it wouldn't be easy.  actually i was more worried about breastfeeding than i was labor!  turned out we got the hang of it pretty quickly except mr. man wanted to be attached to mommy, and he was for the first two months or so of his life.  anytime he would cry i would just latch him on and he would stop crying.  well soon i learned i was creating a mini monster as he would not fall asleep unless he was nursed.  around 4 months old we had the worst bout of wakefullness we had had to date.  thomas was waking up 4-6 times a night.  he would go down around 8 and would wake up around 11, 1, 3:30, 4:45, 6 and 7:30 for the day.  i was exhausted to say the least!  we did this for about 8 days when i finally took him to the dr. so they could give him the once over to tell me nothing was wrong with him.  the thought it was just his 4 month growth spurt as he was healthy as could be and was having lots of pee and poopy diapers.  it was at this point where i realized i needed to start putting him to bed, awake/drowsy.

so at 4 months old we started rice cereal and sleep training.  the first few nights were the worst!  i think i slept less those couple days/week than i did when he was first born.  i was beside myself!  finally around day 3/4 he started sleeping from 7:30/8 - 2.  i would feed him and he would go back to sleep till about 4:30, i would feed him again and he would sleep till 7.  finally we were on a twice a night schedule again.  wasn't put a few days later when he started sleeping till 3:30/4 for his first feeding.  then one night he didn't wake up till 6:30.  this was when i knew we eliminate the last nightly feeding as he was physically capable, at around 15/16 pounds to "sleep through the night."

so here we are, at a week of officially "sleeping through the night"!!!!  go little man go!!!  your mommy loves you even when you wake her at night but we are definitely liking this new norm!  hello rem sleep, i've missed you soooo :)

here is a cute video of thomas on our first official night together (thomas had to go to transition nursery after he was born and wasn't brought to my room till about 3am) he was about 28 hours old at this point:

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