Monday, April 26, 2010

Bahamas Cruise April 2010

This past weekend we went on a cruise to the Bahamas to celebrate my Mom's 50th Birthday!  It was a girls weekend getaway with J and Thomas in tow.  Since I'm still breastfeeding Thomas and plan to exclusively do so until he is 1 year old, I dry up or can't get pregnant by the time he's a year I wanted to make sure that I didn't loose any milk on my trip.  Plus, I didn't want to be away from him for 4 days and 3 nights!  I'm simply just not ready for that yet.  Not sure when I will be ready for a night away but it won't be on an international cruise where I cannot call every 5 minutes if I wanted to :)

Anyways, we had a great time!  Thomas did better than expected, way better.  He is such a wonderful little boy.  So easy going.  He just wanted to be held and included in all that we do.  He loved the pool, the beach and even Senor Frogs!  He would get fussy here and there but that's to be expected since he isn't sleeping in his crib, he's sleeping in a 10 by 10 room with his Mommy and Daddy and hundreds of other people within a 100 ft radius.

Every morning J, Thomas and I would eat breakfast together, hang out at the pool/beach then Thomas would take him 45 minute morning nap.  While he napped I would go find the girls and hang out at the pool for a little bit.  After he would wake up I would feed him and on Saturday we all went to the boat's pool deck and Sunday we went to the Island.  I was very proud of myself on Sunday afternoon for letting the little man take a nap on the beach under the tree, in the shade of course.  He only slept for like 30 minutes while J and I took a stroll around the island and Grandma watched over the little man.  Each night I would go up to the buffet with J and Thomas while they would eat dinner.  After Thomas would go down for the night I would pack up and head to my Mom's room to get ready for dinner and dancing/going out with the girls.  I was always back in the room by midnight and we would start the next day over again around 6:30 in the morning when the little man would sound the alarm :)

It was nice to be able to party with the girls knowing that if something went wrong with Thomas, J was right there and I was only a 5 minute walk away.  I couldn't have asked for more!  It was an awesome first cruise for Thomas and everyone on the ship LOVED him!

As I sit here and write this I still feel like I'm on the ship, rocking with the seas.  I can't wait for the next cruise!  It was a blast and most importantly my Mom had a great 50th Birthday celebration!!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip:

Ashley and Thomas on the first day

Hanging out at the pool day 2

In our shirts, heading the Nassau on day 2

My Lunch on day 2!  Conch Fritters and a Kalik!!!

The girls at Senor Frogs Day 2

Thomas sleeping under the trees on the beach Day 3

Alli and I before the Quest, Night 3

With our new friend, Vance, our Teammate for the Quest

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