Monday, May 30, 2011

A little love from Momma

Now that I'm a Momma of 2 I totally understand what all of my friends with more than 1 child have been warning me about, feeling like you have enough one on one time with each child.  When you breastfeed you never lack time with your newborn, which is awesome, but I feel like I never interact with Thomas now.  I know that's not the case, but it's hard to focus on just him when I'm constantly tending to a baby. So, Thomas and Mommy had some snuggle time the other morning and I decided to whip out the camera.  As you can tell, he's dressed and ready to go for the day but Momma, ya, not so much!  She was still in her nursing night gown with no makeup.  That's pretty much how I roll till about 9am when I can get myself together after the kiddos have been fed, diapered and dressed.  I love my new little lady but dang, the hours just fly by and before I know it, it's time for snacks and I haven't even brushed my teeth :)

sneak peak

Here are a few pictures taken today by our good friend and photographer Julie Fletcher (

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

popsicle = brain freeze

One of the pluses to having a new baby sister and having a Mommy and Daddy that need to eat dinner, popsicles after dinner!

brain freeze...aww poor buddy

all done!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meet our Princess!!

I still haven't had a chance to write my birth story, that is to come but in the mean time I wanted to post a few pictures of our little Princess.  She has been the best baby EVER!  I don't want to jynx it, but she has made transitioning from 1 to 2 children easier and more enjoyable than I ever imagined.
meeting my new little lady, couldn't believe it was a girl!

a few minutes old and all bundled up

Mommy and Lily waiting for our hospital room

Daddy and Lily after our first night

On our way home, YAY!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thomas meets Lillian :)


Here is Thomas meeting Lillian for the first time, she is about 8 hours old and Thomas is 19 months and 2 days.

Friday, May 20, 2011

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

OMG!!!  Lillian Ashlee was born Wednesday May 18th at 9:27am weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces and 20.75 inches long.  She has a FULL head of dark brown hair, is nursing well and never wants to be put down.  More to come...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

38 weeks!

How far along? 38 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 22
Stretch marks? I have one on the left side of my belly button, so odd but definitely need to accept this is a new one....ugh!
Sleep: Seems if I take a nap then I can't sleep at night, which sucks.  Totally not worth it.  So, I gotta struggle through the day, drag my feet and go to bed early because tossing and turning all night is so not worth a nap!
Best moment this week: Having my Mom come to visit and be able to share seeing the baby on ultrasound with Jason and I.  We had a good time even though it was hard to make out different parts of the baby because he/she is so squished.  
Movement: Yep!  Baby's head is down, back is up the left side of my stomach and feet kicking my right ribs.  The ultrasound tech said that the baby can't move out of this position at this point so it's definitely the feet in my right ribs that I feel kicking me all the time.  Little munchkin! 
Food cravings: Food is definitely less appetizing these days.  I feel like I'm just eating to get rid of hunger pains, nothing appeals to me and trying to figure out what to eat is a daily battle.  Who'd a thunk?!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and lightening crotch like woooo!  Progress at Dr.'s apt was 2-3cm dilated, 50% effaced and -2 station.  By the weekend I was very uncomfortable and had a lot of irregular contractions Monday all day and into the night.  We shall see if it leads to anything...
Belly Button in or out? OUT but poking out less and less because the belly is getting so stretched.
What I miss: Being able to get up and down with ease.  Every time I have to get up and down I just dread it as it's such a task.
What I am looking forward to: Getting closer and closer to my due date!  Every day could be "the day" and it's scary and exciting all at the same time.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy life with 1 child while it lasts!!  This household is about to CRAAAAZZZYYY :)
Milestones: All of baby's organs are fully formed.  YAY!!!  We made it!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

splash pad with my buddies!

This past Thursday we went to the splash pad with some of our buddies from the SW Moms club and cousins, Gabby, Frankie and Mia.  We stayed for about 2 hours and Thomas had a blast!  The mommies got Thai food to go and we all shared lunch at the splash pad.  It was a great day and little man napped 2.5 hours which was a nice break for Mommy :)

thomas, katherine and claire 

thomas and frankie

hey big girls, what are you guys doing?

action shot


it works better when you stick your tongue out

Friday, May 13, 2011

Celebrating Mom's Bday with friends

Last weekend Jason and I went out to dinner with our friends to celebrate my Birthday a week early.  Since our family is out of town this week and we don't have any babysitters we took advantage of having a sitter and celebrated together a week early.

Here are some pictures from our dinner out at a Mexican restaurant downtown.  Just realized there is no pictures of me, lol:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

37 week belly comparison

Baby #2 belly is definitely bigger now!  Up until this point it was pretty close in size but now I'd say Baby #2 is in the lead on size.  I feel like my belly this week looks like my belly at 39 weeks with Thomas.  Maybe this means I will go a little earlier because the baby will run out of room, one can hope...

37 weeks!

How far along? 37 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 23
Stretch marks? still not sure if these are new or my old ones just being stretched...hmmm...
Sleep: More tired for sure but the stomach bug and Daddy traveling for work this past week has not been too fun for the sleep department although it did get better once the week went on. 
Best moment this week: Saturday's prenatal massage.  So nice to have a massage, it's been way too long!
Movement: Yep!  Friday night the baby kept me up from midnight - 1am having a dance party.  It was moving around so much and the pressure was pretty painful so I couldn't sleep.  Thankful he/she finally calmed down and I was able to get back to sleep.  Already keeping me up....what am I gonna do with you child?!
Food cravings: Happy with any food at this point.  The stomach flu had me pretty liquid bound for more than a few days.  On Tuesday I was able to finally start eating about half sized portion meals  which helped make me much more comfortable. 
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and lightening crotch like woooo!  Progress at Dr.'s apt was 2cm dilated, 50% effaced and -2 station.
Belly Button in or out? OUT 
What I miss: Waking up and not feeling like a 90 year old.  All of my bones and joints are feeling so sore these days but after a few minutes of moving around I feel a lot better.
What I am looking forward to: I have 2 baby sprinkles to go to this weekend, both on the same day, but at different times.  It will be fun to see cute baby stuff and spend time with some of my friends before I have our baby.  
Weekly Wisdom: The stomach flu SUCKS!  OMG, if I never have to get that for the rest of my life that would be a-ok.
Milestones: FULL TERM!!  Feel free to come any day now baby :)
this belly is getting humongo!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day!

Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day, my 2nd, with Jason's family.  When I woke up in the morning, on my place on the sofa, next to my computer where I hang these days being as pregnant as I am was a card waiting for me.  I opened the car and inside was a white piece of paper.  I had no idea what to expect as I opened it and there was a receipt for an iPad and pink cover.  OMG!  I was so surprised and excited.  Now I just have to wait a few weeks till it's delivered :)

Later that morning we went to Boma for brunch at the Animal Kingdom Lodge with Grandpa Lou, Nana and the Francoforte clan.  We had a great breakfast and then walked around and saw the animals.  Afterwards we went to the playground and the kids had a blast.  After our fun trip to Animal Kingdom Lodge we went home for Thomas to nap and once he woke up went over to Aunt Patty's house for more family fun.  We swam, had dinner and played till about 7pm.  It was a long day but we had a great time.  

Here are a few pictures of our fun day!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

36 week appointment curse...

So with my pregnancy with Thomas at my 36w appointment I was sent to the hospital for higher blood pressures, swelling and protein in my urine.  I then was taken out of work till the end of my pregnancy, 24 hours urine collection and rest rest rest.  I ended up being induced and delivered the day before my due date and all was well with Mommy and baby.

Yesterday I had my 36w appointment Baby #2 and had yet another scare!  As soon as I got into the Dr.s office, she took my bp, 120/78, whew, we are good to go I thought.  No hospital visits, I've broken the curse.  Then, she went to check the baby's heart rate.  It sounded very high but I didn't think anything of it because the baby was moving around like crazy.  Then she said I'm going to talk to the Dr. because the baby's heart rate is 192, and normally runs 130-150, even when he/she is moving.  The Dr. comes in, checks me, still 2cm, no change and says she wants to put me on the monitors because she's worried about baby's heart rate.

I get set up on the NST and now baby's heart rate is really low and he/she isn't moving at all.  They give me juice as now they are getting a little worried because the strip isn't looking the way they want, about 5 minutes later baby looks beautiful on monitor.  They have me sit there for 20 minutes and say everything is good.  Whew!  Thank goodness!

Dang you 36w curse!  If we go for baby #3 you better not do this to me again!! 

Splash Pad!

This past Saturday we went to a splash pad with our friends from TEA.  They are a group of great friends that I have kept up with since we all had our first babies 18 months ago.  We met at the lactation center and our babies are all within a few weeks of each other.  Some of us have a harder time getting together than others, and I know that in time it will be harder when 4 of us have our 2nd babies but for now we are thankful to be able to get together.

there are a few Mommy and Baby combos missing but here were are :)

Baby #2 on the way, missing Nikki and Carey.  We are all due between May - July


Monday, May 2, 2011

Hanging with my Dad

Thomas LOVES his Daddy!  Every morning when he wakes up he goes into our room to see if Daddy is still home or not.  Then if he's not there he will go into the office and see if he's working.  It breaks my heart to see him get upset that Daddy isn't there but it's so darn cute at the same time.  Needless to say, it's all about Daddy these days so I captured a moment of the two of them the other day.

36 weeks!

How far along? 36 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 22 - lost a few pounds this week from a nasty stomach bug I've had since Saturday afternoon....ugggghhh!!!
Stretch marks? think I'm getting some new ones on the left side of my lower belly....boooo!!
Sleep: Waking up every 2-3 hours and wanting naps.  As of Friday I really have been feeling a huge difference in how tired I am during the day.  I feel like I'm always yawning!!
Best moment this week: How I instantly felt better when Dr. Lemoine removed my stent.  Now I can move around, bike and get up without having this nagging feeling in my left lower side.  Ahhh, so nice to feel like a normal 36 week pregnant girl :)
Movement: Yep!  
Food cravings:  CHOCOLATE, again!  This Easter candy has been brutal!  Then as if it's not bad enough that I'm eating ice cream almost every day I want the Magic Chocolate on top, ymmmm!
Gender: We are waiting till the Baby's Birthday to find out!  Mommy is really starting to feel boy vibes again...
Labor Signs: only Braxton Hicks but must be having some contractions because on Wednesday I was already 2cm dilated, but 0% effaced at my Dr.'s apt
Belly Button in or out? OUT and belly is getting so big I have to reach over the see it.  LOL.
What I miss: Sleeping comfortably.  It has started this week, not being able to get comfortable but finding I can sleep pretty well still as long as I'm on my left side.
What I am looking forward to: A prenatal massage I have scheduled for next Saturday....ahhhh...
Weekly Wisdom: Rest, Rest, Rest!  You never know when you might all of a sudden get hit with the stomach flu coupled with contractions.  Lucky me!
Milestones: It's MAY!!!  Baby's due date month :)  Baby's liver is now fully formed and in working order.