Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love my Baby Walker :)

Nana Shar and Grandpa Lou got Thomas an adorable Baby walker for Easter.  Currently he isn't using it for his main purpose, only pushing the buttons to listen to the music and look a the flashing lights.  At the beginning of las week I put him up on his feet and had him hold on a little bit and he just wants to chew on the handle.

If J had it his way, Thomas would be mobile NOW!  I on the other hand see the days of me laying him on the ground to run to the bathroom and coming back to a baby on his belly instead of on his back grower fewer and fewer.  I am looking forward to the major milestones of crawling and walking and enjoying watching him develop and grow but I also enjoy lounging around with him for now.  I know that in a matter of weeks/months we could be chasing this little dude around!

Sunday J was playing with the Baby walker with Thomas and was calling for me to take pictures of him standing with no help.  Of course LaLa was right there to partake in the action.  Anything where we are on the ground, she thinks it's her time to play with Mommy and Daddy.

Anyways, here they are, playing with the Baby walker with no help, aka, "no hands!"

1 comment:

  1. what a "big" boy!!! love the new pictures!!! we have that toy too, it's so cute! i can't wait until Drew is running around the house with it!!
