Thursday, May 20, 2010

7 months!

So this letter is a little late, and the picture was taken on the 17th, not the 16th but better late than never :)

Dear Thomas James.

You are truly becoming a little man these days.  This past month you have tried so many new foods, handled them all with ease, mastered sitting by yourself, started to try and crawl, learned to wave hello and mastered crawling a few weeks before your 7 months birthday!  You've been a busy little bugger!

I love our everyday life.  Simple.  Sweet.  Perfect.  You wake up between 6:30-7, nurse and then begin your day of play!  Around 8 you eat your breakfast of 2-3 T of oatmeal and 2 - 3 T of fruit.  Then you play some more and start to get tired around 8:30-9, snuggle with me and I put you down for a nap around 9.  You nap for about 45 minutes, wake up and nurse about 10.  Usually this is when we leave to go to the library, meet friends, run errands, shop and lately head to swim lessons.  You are usually pretty good in the car, although if it's longer than 20 minutes you talk to me and let me know that you would like to spend your day not in a stinking car seat!

Around noon you eat your lunch which is 2-3 T of cereal mixed with 2-3 T of veggies.  You always wash it down with water in your sippy cup, your favorite thing!  You can definitely drink on your own now and grab onto the handle bars of the sippy cup and suck it down!  Somewhere around 1 you start to get tired and I nurse you again before you nap.  Your afternoon nap is usually from 1:30-4.  This month Mommy changed your wake up feeding from nursing to a big boy snack of puffs, bread, yogurt bites and water mixed with veggie stock or juice.  We play waiting for Daddy to come home from work and we either go for a ride in the jogging stroller or enjoy the driveway/bath yard with LaLa.  Somewhere around 5:30-6 you eat your dinner which consists of 4-5 T cereal, sometimes 2 T beans, 2-3 T veggie and 1-2 T fruit.

Soon after that your Daddy comes home you LIGHT UP!  You love him so much and he does you!  I love to see my boys love on each other!  I love you both dearly!  Around 6:45 you get your bath, another highlight to your day.  Daddy usually gets it started and Mommy joins in at the end.  We sing to you as we put lotion all over your little damp body, lube your booty up and put you in your sleep bag pajamas.  We have a favorite song, an Amadori original, "Da Dotion on Da Head!"  You giggle in delight!  Then it's time for some boobie and bed.  You normally go down without and fight and if anything you just practice crawling and pulling yourself up until you finally settle down and fall fast asleep, blankie in hand or by your face till the next morning.

Our little man.  Yep you've been busy lately.  Starting to get into everything!  Mommy and Daddy love you in our lives and can't imagine it without you.  You are such a joy and smile all day everyday.  Whenever we meet a stranger that catches your eye they always talk to you and your smiles amaze them all.  Everyone says that you smile so much and that you are the happiest baby they've ever seen.  Lately everyone has been asking me if you are a boy or a girl because you are "pretty enough" to be a girl even though I always dress you in collard shirts, rompers and they are usually blue!

I hope that someday we look back on these letters that Mommy wrote to you when I'm old and grey and you are a Father yourself!  Then you will know the joy that you bring me!  You are the greatest gift and I am honored to be your Mommy!!!


Mommy and Daddy


Now that I'm bigger than you, I will attack!!

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