Monday, March 21, 2011

30 weeks!

How far along? 30 weeks!  Thank goodness, I really feel like we are going places now!!
Total weight gain/loss: 18.5
Stretch marks? Nothing new, crossing my fingers it stays this way!
Sleep: Going to bed about 9pm and waking up around 7 but not without waking up 2-3 times a night to use to restroom.  Thomas is still adjusting to the time change so I've been waking up before him most days which has made me feel more rested.
Best moment this week: Going to my new urologist and feeling like my care is being taken more seriously.  He is already ordering more cultures and I felt listened to me and gave me more options with more explanation.  Even though it confuses me more, at least now I have more information to make what Jason and I feel is the best decision for our baby and my health.
Movement: Lots of pokes, jabs, and uncomfortable punches!  Loving feeling the hiccups, he/she is getting them like 3-5 times a day!
Food cravings: Not so much this week except for on Wednesday I HAD to have cinnamon melts from McDonald's!  They were AWESOME :)
Gender: We are waiting till the Baby's Birthday to find out!  90% have been saying Girl but Daddy thinks Boy.  Mommy changes her mind every day!
Labor Signs: only Braxton Hicks 
Belly Button in or out? OUT
What I miss: Being able to sleep through the night without having to get up but I know this will no be a part of my vocabulary for another year or so.  Pregnancy is so weird that way.  You will feel soooo exhausted but you can't sleep, makes no sense....
What I am looking forward to: Maternity pictures!  They are still a few weeks away but I'm getting excited about them!!  My good friend Abby is going to take them, here is her blog
Weekly Wisdom: "We are never given more than we can handle; only enough to remind us of how strong we truly are."
Milestones: I'm at the point where I feel HUGE!!!  That's a definite milestone....

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