Friday, January 21, 2011

I can't help but think...


Lately it seems as if Thomas has been running me ragged.  I know that I have a nephrostomy tube and I'm 5 months pregnant but isn't this suppose to be the time in your pregnancy that you are suppose to have tons of energy?!  I don't need naps anymore, which is nice.  I just make an effort to put my feet up and rest while Thomas naps so that I don't push it too much because once he's up there is not much sitting around.  I just know that the further I get along in this pregnancy with baby #2 I am going to be passing out at like 8pm!  I better put some zzzz's in the bank now because on or before May 30th Momma won't be able to sleep all day with her newborn like the good old days with 1 baby.

Which makes me remember what a sucker I am and how I go back and look at Thomas' baby pictures every month or so to remind myself of how tiny he was.  Jason and I went back last night and were watching videos of him when he was so tiny.  So fun to go back and remember how perfectly small they were....

in the hospital 1.5 days old

1 week old

3 weeks old

And no matter how many pictures you take, you always wish you had taken more!!!!  Oh how I can't wait to have another little itty bitty in my arms, be it a blue or pink hat.  Those first few days are so magical and knowing first hand how fast they grow will make me appreciate the newborn phase that much more.

So even though I've been nervous about 2 under 2 I know I'll be able to handle it as many families have done it before us.  It is a little scary but also SOOO exciting to think about becoming a family of 4 :)

1 comment:

  1. you are going to be just fine girl! you are one of the best, most "together" mamas i know! sure, it's hard in the beginning, but you will get the swing of it really quick, and pretty soon, you won't remember life before two. sure, mine are 24 month apart not 19, but regardless, it's hard. it's a labor of love, and it does go by quick. anyway, you can do it!!!
