Tuesday, May 17, 2011

38 weeks!

How far along? 38 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 22
Stretch marks? I have one on the left side of my belly button, so odd but definitely need to accept this is a new one....ugh!
Sleep: Seems if I take a nap then I can't sleep at night, which sucks.  Totally not worth it.  So, I gotta struggle through the day, drag my feet and go to bed early because tossing and turning all night is so not worth a nap!
Best moment this week: Having my Mom come to visit and be able to share seeing the baby on ultrasound with Jason and I.  We had a good time even though it was hard to make out different parts of the baby because he/she is so squished.  
Movement: Yep!  Baby's head is down, back is up the left side of my stomach and feet kicking my right ribs.  The ultrasound tech said that the baby can't move out of this position at this point so it's definitely the feet in my right ribs that I feel kicking me all the time.  Little munchkin! 
Food cravings: Food is definitely less appetizing these days.  I feel like I'm just eating to get rid of hunger pains, nothing appeals to me and trying to figure out what to eat is a daily battle.  Who'd a thunk?!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and lightening crotch like woooo!  Progress at Dr.'s apt was 2-3cm dilated, 50% effaced and -2 station.  By the weekend I was very uncomfortable and had a lot of irregular contractions Monday all day and into the night.  We shall see if it leads to anything...
Belly Button in or out? OUT but poking out less and less because the belly is getting so stretched.
What I miss: Being able to get up and down with ease.  Every time I have to get up and down I just dread it as it's such a task.
What I am looking forward to: Getting closer and closer to my due date!  Every day could be "the day" and it's scary and exciting all at the same time.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy life with 1 child while it lasts!!  This household is about to CRAAAAZZZYYY :)
Milestones: All of baby's organs are fully formed.  YAY!!!  We made it!!!

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