It's just something about a sleeping baby that gets me every time! I'm trying to take as many pictures and note the memories while she will still sleep in my arms as I know those days are growing fewer and fewer.
Here are some pictures from when we went to go see the Osbourn Lights show at MGM. Thomas was in awwwwwe of the lights and Lily hung out in the bjorn as usual. We had a great time and enjoying watching Thomas dance and stare at the lights.
staring at the lights
getting a pic with the Lil
with the girls. he was pissed because he didn't get another candy cane once he dropped his first one! classic!
Here are a few pictures of the kids when we went to go pick out our Christmas tree during the first week in December....ummm, yes these are old, I'm catching up again!
At it with the chalk board paint again! This time with plastic wine glasses for our annual Holiday party with our close friends, before we had kids! I can't wait for everyone to use them in a few days :)
getting everything set up
dipping the bottoms on the cups in the paint and letting it dry on parchment paper
Chalk board paint and silver platter from the dollar store! I think it looks super cute and has been our Christmas countdown! Hard to believe there are only 4, almost 3 days till Christmas!
The kids and I went to the park one day with their Nana. It was chilly out and we had a great time! Here are some pictures of them on the swings, Lily's favorite thing about the park.
And just like that the little pea of the house is already picking on her big brother! While Lily was finishing up her morning nursing session and Thomas was insisting on climbing up on the chair with us, Lily started pulling his hair. She is going through the "If it's within reach I grab it phase." Let the picking on one another begin...ohhh no!
This was the first time we used the double stroller with Lily out of the infant bucket and in the big girl seat! I had to take some pictures of the kids in it because I just couldn't get over how big Lily looked!
to make baby food!!! Lily is at the age to start eating solid foods, well she has been for a few months now. She is eating 3 solid meals a day now! Wow, when did that happen?! Here are some pictures of some sweet potatoes, butternut squash, apples etc. I tried it a few different ways this time, in the snack sized ziploc bags how I did it with Thomas and in ice cube trays to try and save plastic. I recycle my plastic bags after I use them but it's better to not use anything.
After having my 3rd child in 4 years and completing my 11 month pumping journey, I was ready to get back my body and life back! I was 178 pounds and now weigh 142! If I can do this so can you! My mission is to set a positive example for my children and other Moms. I cannot wait to help others on their health and fitness journey!