Wednesday, December 29, 2010

playing outside in the cold...brrrrr...

While my Mom was here helping me get back to normal we had a few reallllly cold days.  Since babies doesn't seem to mind the cold too much and Thomas always wants to go outside when the dog has to use the bathroom my Mom and J decided to have a photo shoot with the little man.  I mean who could pass up this adorable get up?!?  If only the hat matched better....but who could pass up that vest?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mommy's Christmas gift to herself

A portable DVD player for Thomas!!  

OMG, this is by far the best gift I've bought for myself in years!!  I no longer have to listen to a screaming child in the car thanks to this godsend of a device.  Thomas loves to watch baby Einstein while we drive around town and Mommy isn't constantly stressed out and driving distracted.  I said I would never do this but boy am I glad I did because we both LOVE it!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Season at the Amadori's

having fun with the Christmas tree ornaments 

so tiny next to the Christmas tree on my 2nd Christmas

silly Mommy trying to take pictures of me with my Reindeer Ears!

Christmas morning

playing with one my new toys

Our Family the day after Christmas 

18 weeks!

How far along? 18 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: -1, since being sick and hospitalized I lost about 10 pounds or more so I've been working hard at getting back to my prepregnancy weight and drinks lots of fluids!
Maternity clothes? Yep, I've broken out the maternity shirts since gaining back some weight from being home from the hospital 
Stretch marks? nothing new as of late :)
Sleep: adjusting to sleeping with the tube in my back but no complaints.  I'm taking a nap every afternoon from 30 min - 2.5 hours and then sleeping at least 9 hours a night
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move a lot more despite everything we have both been through with the kidney stone, tube and hospitalization!!
Movement: Yep!  Especially after meals and before bedtime
Food cravings: avocado, lime gatorade, water w/lemon, melted cheese 
Gender: Nope and this will remain a secret to all, including us through out the duration of the pregnancy
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Starting to pop out a lil'
What I miss: Being able to hold Thomas anytime I wanted will get better in time but it's what's best for the baby growing inside of me and my own health recovering from the tube
What I am looking forward to: my urologist apt and 20 week ultrasound on January 10th!!  2 weeks and counting...
Weekly Wisdom: You are NOTHING without your HEALTH and FAMILY!!!  
Milestones: Feeling like myself after recovering from the nephrostomy tube!  Thank goodness!

18 weeks!

(you can see my tube in the back, it's taped down with a 2X2)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kidney stone + Pregnancy = Nephrostomy Tube for Momma

Sooooo....I've been MIA on this blog for over a week now because last Monday, December 13th at exactly 16 weeks pregnant I started having intense pain which we found out a few days later was caused from a kidney stone that is too large to pass.  Because of the pregnancy they will not operate and my current state is a nephrostomy tube.  I will be sure to update on my progress of life of a pregnant woman living with a tube into her kidney hanging out of her back, dangling down to a pee bag attached to her leg, HOTTTT!!!

To get us started, here is the letter I wrote after being in the hospital for 2 days, and being home a few days later to our friends and family:

Hello everyone.

First of all, for everyone who does or does not know has been going on with me lately I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers.  Please know that I'm doing a lot better, Thomas has been spending lots of time with Nana and Grandpa Lou while Jason has been being Mr. Mom, CEO and winning husband of my year award!  I will try and be as short as possible but still filling you in along the way of what happened over the past few days as everyone has gotten different stories.

Two Saturdays ago I said to Jason, I just don't feel too well.  By that Wednesday I thought I was getting a uti so I left work and went to my OB office with bladder spasms, lower back pain on my right side and blood in urine.  Friday they called me back, told me to stop taking antibiotics because my tests were negative for any bacteria.  That weekend I felt fine, still a little funny but ok. Sunday night I thought I saw blood in my urine again but didn't think anything of it because no other pain.  This past Monday I felt ok, maybe not 100 percent but I am still early in my pregnancy so any back pain I have I blame it on the pregnancy.  Monday afternoon after I put Thomas down for his afternoon nap I got very nauseous and had intense back pain.  I called Jason and Dr. crying because I was in such pain.  By the time the Dr. called back and Thomas woke up from nap, after getting up from the bed I felt fine, pain was gone!  Weird....that afternoon I felt the pain coming on again and by 6 I was in a lot of pain.  Jason and I went to the ER at Winnie Palmer where I rolled around in pain on the way there, moaned and groaned in the er waiting room, endured an ultrasound of my kidneys that was horrible and still didn't know for sure what was going on.  They pretty much ruled out muscular or skeletal pain because of the way the pain would come and go, how it was only on my right side and how it was wrapping into my side with the bladder spasms.  They sent me home after a shot of toridal, sorry about spelling and a prescription for pain and nausea, yes these are all safe for the baby.  We came home about midnight, went to bed and I woke up very sore on Tuesday morning but ok.  

Tuesday during the day I was fine, sore but took some Tylenol and it was bearable thinking I was passing a stone and it would just be painful.  Tuesday night when Jason cam home from work I could feel things stirring up again.  By 8pm I was taking the pain meds, and by 2:30 after another dose of meds I was still in a ton of pain, puked, called Dr. on call and he told me if pain persisted to go to ER.  Of course then the pain went away, I went back to sleep thinking I would just pass the stone and feel better.  Wednesday morning I woke up again, very sore but ok.  I called my OB and they told me to go back to the hospital.  I questioned them because I had only taken Tylenol and felt ok.  Boy I'm glad I listened to them because after spending another morning and afternoon in triage at Winnie Palmer we learned after an ultrasound that I had fluid now in both kidneys and my right kidney was more inflamed than before.  

They sent me for an ivp, where they inject an ink into my iv and take a few x rays, limited in what they can do because of pregnancy they waited.  Then they saw my problem, an 8mm kidney stone, blocking my right ureter completely, it had moved all the way down and now was backing up my right kidney completely and putting a lot of pressure on my left.  They sent me to interventional radiology where they then inserted an external catheter into my right kidney that will drain my right kidney for the rest of my pregnancy or unless I pass the stone on my own which is about a 10 percent chance.  Most kidney stones that are passed ontheir own are 4-5mm and they estimate mine to be about 8mm.  So, now the stone has traveled as far as it can go so I won't have pain of it traveling down, just pain if my catheter gets clogged along the way.  I have to flush it once a day because while I was in the hospital I already had a blockage, bad pain and intense nausea and vomiting in the hospital after another trip to interventional radiology.  So at least I know when its coming on and what to do, go right to the ER.  I also will have to have this catheter replaced every 1-8 weeks, probably every 4 weeks until I deliver Baby #2.  I will have the same procedure I did before where they replace it as an outpatient procedure at ORMC.  Hopefully the pain is not as intense as it has been the past few days because my kidney is in much better health and with the incision and catheter already in place it could very easy or could have more pain.  We won't know until we try.   

So after being in the hospital Wednesday and Thursday night I was happy to be discharged last night.  I slept well last night as I was much more comfortable in my own bed.  So for the next four weeks I'm on modified bed rest and will be following up with my different Dr.s.  I'm in good spirits and very thankful for every ones thoughts and prayers for myself and my family over these past few days.  Hopefully the catheter settles in nicely and I can back to being the Mommy I want to be to Thomas and continue to take care of myself for Baby #2 :)  Thanks again, we love you all and appreciate everything!!!

Some pictures of the baby while at the hospital during an ultrasound at 16 weeks and 3 days:

Saturday, December 11, 2010


The past few weeks/months I've been working with Thomas on using a fork.  He LOVES it and actually can use it himself now.  Don't get me wrote he's not like us, he still is very slow but hey, he can do it!  He gets so proud of himself and it's soooo cute!  I had to share these pictures of breakfast from the other day on a chilly morning while he ate breakfast still in his pjs.

Friday, December 10, 2010

chilly music picnic

Last week Thomas and I went to a Musikgarden picnic.  It was pretty cold out that day so a lot of our friends skipped out but we braved the weather in some cute cold gear.  I had to take some pictures of this little man in his adorable fleecy clothes :)

my sad attempt at a self portrait of the two of us :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Uncontrolable Hair

15 weeks!

How far along? 15 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 1 - as silly as it sounds, I was starting to get a little worried that I hadn't gained anything yet
Maternity clothes? pants for sure, still wearing a lot of my normal shirts as the styles allow 
Stretch marks? nothing new as of late :)
Sleep: I stopped using the extra maternity pillow and have been sleeping a lot better.  I am very tired by about 8:30pm.  I've gotten to the point where I don't need an afternoon nap anymore and if I do I have a hard time falling asleep but then I am so tired at night.
Best moment this week: Listening to the babies heartbeat on an at home doppler I am renting from a website.  I rented one with my last pregnancy as well, just helps me stay calm between appointments since I'm a nervous Nelly when it comes to pregnancy
Movement: Yes, very small and random but what I "thought" was it definitely is 
Food cravings: sweet tea and sandwiches
Gender: Nope and this will remain a secret to all, including us through out the duration of the pregnancy
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? IN
What I miss: Waking up and taking my time eating breakfast.  This whole week I've been STARVED in the mornings!!
What I am looking forward to: A few weeks from now when I won't feel any more sickness, will feel the baby move a lot more and my belly will be rounder and more "pregnant" looking
Weekly Wisdom: Trying to take it all in because this pregnancy is going to go FAST!  With the Holidays, traveling and taking care of an almost 14 month old the weeks are flying by and I want to savor being pregnant.  I LOVE having a baby belly and don't want to forget these moments as it could be our last if this baby is a girl although I'm still pushing for 3 :)
Milestones: This week I really feel I've turned a corner of feeling like my old self.  I can drink lots of liquids, eat whatever I want and exercise more.  I still have some queasiness in the mornings if I don't eat as soon as I wake but other than that my nausea is GONE!!!  Let the angels sing!!!

(as you can see my upper belly is bigger than the bottom belly, I guess the baby is pushing up my organs. This happened with Thomas too)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

First visit to Santa

Last year Thomas was no more than 8 weeks old when it would have been time to take him to see Santa.  I didn't feel like waiting in line and I also didn't want to subject my newborn to all of Santa's germs.

Needless to say this was our first visit to see Santa and Thomas did well.  The people taking the pictures were great and very fast.  They got his attention very fast with this glowing spinning toy and he was amazed by it.  He kept trying to grab it, hence the arms in the air.  Once the toy went away and we realized he was on Santa's lap the meltdown began!  Hilarious!  Then once they hear you aren't buying the CD, they stop taking pictures.  Nice.  So you wait for an hour, sit with Santa for 2 minutes and spend $24 on one picture.  I guess its all about the memories right....

Thomas with Santa - 11/30/2010 (13.5 months)