Before we left for North Carolina I made homemade Big Person Oatmeal with cinnamon, vanilla and apples. The first few bites he acted like the texture bothered him but after that he was all about it! It was very good and we all enjoyed it! How hilarious is the bottom picture!?! Could his double chin get any bigger and adorable?!?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
New basket liner
I finally ordered a basket liner for the large basket in Thomas' nursery. I LOVE it and I think it turned out super cute! I ordered one to match the room and then this one:
Monday, July 26, 2010
9 month pictures
Some of my favorites from our 9 month pictures to celebrate Daddy's Birthday and capture the little man before he turns the big 1!! I had them taken at Portrait Innovations and I think they did a great job!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Outer Banks Vaca!
We've been MIA lately because we were on vacation in the Outer Banks, NC. We had a great time and here are a few pictures to prove it:
The loooong drive in! The 2 hour drive took us nearly 6 hours....urgh!
a side view of the house we stayed in
first day at the beach!
watching the kids and the water - day 2
Family on the beach - day 2
bike rides - day 3
sitting in the beach chair - day 4
Lighthouse with the kids and family - day 5
at the top of the lighthouse
with his cousins - day 6
(Livea, Thomas, Sophie and Aiden)
Friday, July 16, 2010
9 months! Wow! Today Thomas is 39 weeks old, betcha thought I was crazy when you read that :) That means that in 6 days he will be out as long as he was baking in the oven as he was born at 39 weeks and 6 days. I gotta say the past 9 months went by A LOT faster than the 9 months I spent baking that sweet little baby boy. I feel like every month I keep writing about how fast it is going but I just can't believe it. I need to start preparing myself for his 1st Birthday as I know that I will break down, and more than once.
So let's review the past month...
Continuing the crawl at lightening speeds; check, pulling yourself up on everything from the tv, sliding glass doors, the oven, and recently your high chair; check, first boo boo; check, 2nd tooth; check, standing with no hands for a split second; check, saying "Ma Ma"; check, starting to eat meats; check and grinning from ear to ear whenever you see Mommy pulling out the camera; check!
You've been busy, that's for sure. We are still in survival swimming lessons and you are still doing awesome with that. Your musikgarden classes are almost over for the Summer semester and you LOVE mochi, the tart frozen yogurt place we go to with our friends afterwards. You are still taking a solid morning nap of 30-90 minutes and afternoon nap of 1.5-3.5 hours which is heaven for Mommy! Everywhere we go the ladies at the checkout counter love you and ask if you are always that smiley and happy, to which I reply, "Yep! He's a happy camper!"
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thomas and I went to a local park the other day with some friends for our weekly SW Mommies club playgroup. The great thing about the park is that it is covered so the Mommies don't have to worry about the kids getting sunburned, but what we do have to worry about them is getting DIRTY! OMG! I have never seen my little man so DIRTY!
It was grossing me out after I let him crawl all around the rubber floor that is covered, unbeknownst to me in DIRT. It never gets washed because it never gets rained on because of the cover. It's good because I didn't have to worry about sunscreen but then he was crazy DIRTY!
Well, I let go probably for the second time as being a new Mommy and let him crawl around and climb up the slide DIRT and all. I forgot my camera but thankfully our friend Yvonne had her's and was able to take some pictures of my DIRRRTTTYYYY BOY!
It was grossing me out after I let him crawl all around the rubber floor that is covered, unbeknownst to me in DIRT. It never gets washed because it never gets rained on because of the cover. It's good because I didn't have to worry about sunscreen but then he was crazy DIRTY!
Well, I let go probably for the second time as being a new Mommy and let him crawl around and climb up the slide DIRT and all. I forgot my camera but thankfully our friend Yvonne had her's and was able to take some pictures of my DIRRRTTTYYYY BOY!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
So I bought this outfit for Thomas for the 4th of July and forgot to take pictures of him in it! FAIL!!
So here are some I took the other day, better late than never and he's becoming such a model! You'd never know his Mommy takes oodles of pictures of him all the time ;)
So here are some I took the other day, better late than never and he's becoming such a model! You'd never know his Mommy takes oodles of pictures of him all the time ;)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Chasing the Collapsable Chair
I feel like lately I've been posting a lot about Thomas "chasing" things. Well, that just gives you an insight into what my life has been like lately, chasing Thomas. That being said, as much as I spend my time chasing his little butt around, I throughly enjoy watching him chase toys, people, objects because it means I don't have to chase him. Oh and it also means that he is having fun and enjoying his little baby life exploring all sorts of fun things, collapsable chairs pushed by your Uncle Kevin included in that mix.
WARNING: There is a surprise Cameo by my very mature husband!!!
WARNING: There is a surprise Cameo by my very mature husband!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Happy 4th of July!
Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures this weekend but here are few from the family picnic we went to and the projects we completed. We celebrated Jason's Birthday a little early with the extended family as we were all already together so we wanted to kill two birds with one flag cake :)

Thomas' monogram drying
monogram up on the wall - over the door
hat rack in the process of creation :)
the monogram and lanterns hanging
lanterns complete the polka dot theme
chasing my crawling ball
This is Thomas' favorite toy! He could follow and play with this toy all day and everyday. Him and Thomas both love this toy and it cracks me up how they love to play with it. LaLa doesn't understand that Thomas' toys aren't her's but he doesn't seem to mind :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Naked or Not?
I thought these pictures turned out kinda funny. I took these after I was finished nursing Thomas the other morning and as I was scrolling through the pictures I took last week I came upon them. It's funny how he looks naked, although he isn't, he is only in a diaper. The grin on his face cracks me right up!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Pottery with friends
Thomas and I went to a paint your own pottery place with friends. I totally forgot my camera on the trip, but it was pretty crazy with three 2-3 year olds and three 8 month babies, all boys :) We had a great time and this is what we picked up this week to show for it, a cute spoon rest with Thomas' tiny hand print:
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