Tuesday, June 29, 2010
silly man
One of the little man's new favorite things is to crawl alll around the house. He tends to find the barstools halfway through his journey between the family room and kitchen. Along the way the decides to play in them, like a jungle gym. Here he is, being as silly as ever, posing for the camera, playing in his "jungle gym" aka, our barstools.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Every night as we are getting Thomas ready for bed we put lotion on his baby body and on his head. Lately the ritual has included a quick spiking of the hair to create a baby fohawk! Hilarious right!?!
Then while we were taking pictures of the cute little man and his fohawk Daddy decided to take pictures of our other child, LaLa and her crazy self barking at the camera's flash. Our poor puppy dog, she is so no photogenic! HILARIOUS!!!
it started out civilized
then he had to start messing with her
then the crazy hilarious barking pictures began
Me cracking up about the dog!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Survival Swimming - Day 21 & 22
Day 21
Day 22 - He made it the first 5 minutes or so WITHOUT CRYING! This makes me sooo happy!!
Day 22 - He made it the first 5 minutes or so WITHOUT CRYING! This makes me sooo happy!!
how to sleep like a baby
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Proof I know Roberto on the Bachelorette
These were taken about 1.5 years ago, pre pregnancy and baby at a State Farm event. We came across these at work today so I had my boss email them to me and then I had to share them :)
SCAR ADVENTURE RACE - June 20th, 2010
This is how we spent our Father's Day! In the woods of Wekiva forest watching J's adventure race finish. He competed with 34 other teams and they got 2nd in the elite division and 2nd overall. Check out the leader board and race description here:
right after they finished
Daddy seeing his boy right after he finished his race
Uncle Manny trying to cool down after the race
2nd Overall - 1st coed Elite
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
My favorite toy
No matter what toys we pull out of this basket, never fails that he always goes right back to it. Thomas loves to pull himself up on it and then he chews the side. It grosses me out and I pull him away from him but he always goes right back to it and soon enough, he puts his mouth over the side and starts biting. Hopefully there's nothing toxic in a woven basket :/
Monday, June 21, 2010
Crab Outfit!!
I stinking LOVE this CRAB OUTFIT!!! It's navy and white=classic. Terry cloth=comfy. Sleeveless=Summer savy. Plus oh soooo cute!!! I just had to share because I'm in LOVE with this new outfit. Thank you Gymboree for making this adorable outfit so Thomas could wear this and I enjoy looking at it :)

my sandals are the perfect compliment
with my sister, LaLa
LOL!!! I'm such a HAM in this picture!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Play date with Drew
This past Friday my friend Abby had us have Drew over for a play date while she took her older son Evan to a special character breakfast. Unfortunately Evan got sick on the way there and they couldn't go to the breakfast so we only had Drew for about an hour but we accomplished a lot during the time.
We played for a few minutes...
...and then we went for a walk.
It gave me a quick glimpse into life with twins and/or two children. I saw twins because Thomas and Drew are 3 weeks apart so Drew is almost 9 months and Thomas is just over 8 months. It was more work, but I thought it was fun and I couldn't help but laugh at the way they were interacting. Too cute!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Walking with my walker...
Last night for the first time I had Thomas "walk" with his walker while I hovered over him in case you feel so that he wouldn't hurt himself as he is still very new at this. Jason took this video with his phone so the quality too great but it's pretty neat that you can do all that from a phone! Video then upload to youtube, pretty neat!
First Swing ride
To celebrate Father's Day with Grandpa Lou we took him to dinner at the Trails End Restaurant at Disney's Fort Wilderness resort. After dinner we walked around for a minute and took Thomas on his first swing ride at the park.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Houston we have a....
...TOOTH breaking through!
Bottom lower right and I can tell that the left is very close as well. Hopefully this means that we get some relief in the teething department, at least for a few days/weeks as I can also tell that the top 6 is very close as well.
Check it out....
Bottom lower right and I can tell that the left is very close as well. Hopefully this means that we get some relief in the teething department, at least for a few days/weeks as I can also tell that the top 6 is very close as well.
Check it out....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy 8 months little man! This month has flown by! I feel like I was just writing up about your 7 month...argh! Unlike the many other things people tell you about parenthood, when people say it goes so fast, they are so right!
This month it has been sooo fun to watch you learn and master crawling! You are now Speedy Gonzalez in the crawling department and I LOVE watching you motor around this joint!
You also are pulling up on everything all the time. I feel badly for your when you loose your balance and tumble down, at least most times its on that cute little booty. Thankfully that's what they are made for, to soften the blow while you learn how to furniture cruise and eventually walk. The last few days of this month you were starting to take a few steps while you held onto your new favorite toy, the Leap Frog play table. I used to look at your newborn baby legs and dream about this day and now they are full, chunky and cellulity (aka what your Dad likes to call hail damage).
You are turning into such a silly little guy and your personality is starting to show. I love every moment we share together and dread my time away from you although it's getting easier for me to share you with others :)
Happy 8 months little man! Our baby, Thomas James....the sunshine of our lives!!!
This month it has been sooo fun to watch you learn and master crawling! You are now Speedy Gonzalez in the crawling department and I LOVE watching you motor around this joint!
You also are pulling up on everything all the time. I feel badly for your when you loose your balance and tumble down, at least most times its on that cute little booty. Thankfully that's what they are made for, to soften the blow while you learn how to furniture cruise and eventually walk. The last few days of this month you were starting to take a few steps while you held onto your new favorite toy, the Leap Frog play table. I used to look at your newborn baby legs and dream about this day and now they are full, chunky and cellulity (aka what your Dad likes to call hail damage).
You are turning into such a silly little guy and your personality is starting to show. I love every moment we share together and dread my time away from you although it's getting easier for me to share you with others :)
Happy 8 months little man! Our baby, Thomas James....the sunshine of our lives!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Survival Swimming - Day 20
Here is a video of the first day of us on our new maintenance schedule of twice a week. He does sooo well this day with the floating, he doesn't freak out nearly as much as he has done in the past, THANK GOODNESS!!! Finally it's coming together!!!
Thomas and I went to a Moms Meeting Moms (MMM) group and there was a kindermusik guest to play with the kiddos. We had a great time and the kids LOVED the parachute and bubbles. Here are some cute pictures of us and our friends as well as an adorable video of all of the babies. Sorry in advance for my gorgeous voice :)
First bum lip...
The other night Thomas was crawling around in his sleep bag and fell on the tile and got a bum lip. Poor buddy...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
So this morning I decided I would make us some pancakes and make Thomas his own special baby pancakes. Here he is, in his big boy high chair, with his new big boy bib, eating his pancakes. Well, he pretty much more of a fan of the sippy cup and playing with his food instead of eating it.
Sunday morning Pan-a-cakes...
Sunday morning Pan-a-cakes...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Survival Swimming - Day 18 & Update
SWIMMING UPDATE: I didn't get a video of Friday's swim because I was in the pool with Thomas. We swam together, and he would swim back and forth between Ms. Penny and myself. After Friday's swim Ms. Penny decided to take him from 5 days a week down to a maintenance schedule of 2 days a week since his swimming is going really well but his float is regressing. As you can see if the video his is constantly tipping his head back, which makes him get water in his eyes and mouth, then he kicks harder and it makes it worse causing him to get scared and flail about. Ms. Penny thinks that he's teething and we are just going to give in a rest for a few weeks and start back up again if it doesn't get better with some rest. So, keep your fingers crossed that this little break is all he needs and he goes back to where he was before, floating like a champ.
Here is day 18, the 4th day of the 4th week:
Here is day 18, the 4th day of the 4th week:
Helping Daddy work
Yesterday Jason came home from a meeting and continued to work out of our home office for a few hours. During the time Thomas woke up from his afternoon nap, about 5:30 since he went down late and decided he wanted to help Daddy work. I kept bringing him out to the family room but as soon as I would turn my head, thinking it was all too quite, he would be in the office again. Fast little bugger! He just wanted to be with his Daddy, and so did LaLa, guess they both think they have a future in consulting :)
b-lining for Dad!
Pick me up! I want to learn to program!
Maybe all the power strip is more interesting....
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Tongue!
Lately Thomas has been obsessed with his stinkin' tongue! Do you see the resemblance? Stick that tongue back in your mouth son :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
First Yogurt
So Mommy whipped up some homemade yogurt this week and Sunday morning Thomas got his first taste. In this video he's not such a fan but on day 2 I mixed it with cherries, blueberries, banana and vanilla then he ate about 8 T which translates to a 1/2 cup! The banana made it a lot sweeter which is key with babies and tartness :)
Moments before that mean lady fed me that nasty plain yogurt :)
Survival Swimming - Day 15
First day of the 4th week of survival swim lessons! He's doing so well with the "swim" part now and rolling over with ease. At first he is a little shaky with the flipping over but figures it out pretty quickly. I'm so proud of him :)
Over the weekend we practiced with him and he was having a lot of fun. He would splash and swim to each of us with no problems at all.
Over the weekend we practiced with him and he was having a lot of fun. He would splash and swim to each of us with no problems at all.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Pants on da Head - Round 2
So whenever I ask Daddy to put shorts, pants, swim trunks or a swim diaper on he always ends up with them on his head. Like this...
with stalker LaLa
with the one responsible for the swim diaper on da head
then a picture with mommy before we head to the pool to
actually swim in the swim diaper that's on da head :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
SW Mommies Club Play Date - June 3, 2010
The other day we had a great play date showing at our house with our friends from the SW Mommies club! There were 8 Mommies and 11 kiddos playing about! They all had a great time and it was the fastest 2 hours I've experience in awhile, but in a good way. We had a blast and were very happy that so many friends were able to join us.
Nevin and Lawson
Drew enjoying the sit n' spin
Sadie and her rice crispy treat
Lisa enjoying some fruit
Thomas found a school bus
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